Choosing the right toothbrush is actually one of the fundamentals of brushing your teeth and a strong oral routine. Many people simply select a toothbrush from a drugs store thinking a toothbrush is an “all-fits-one”, or simply look at the design or style that appeals to them. Whilst these considerations are important, there are other factors that may prove important to your oral health.
You want to equip yourself with the best toothbrush so that you keep any adverse oral health conditions at bay. Yes, selecting a toothbrush that irritates gums or damages your teeth will mean a check-up at the dentist and potentially restorative treatment.
So, what factors help you in choosing the right toothbrush?
Go For Soft Bristles
Most toothbrushes available come with soft bristles, and it is vitally important that your toothbrush has soft bristles. Bristles on toothbrushes are made of nylon ranging in soft, medium and hard. Some believe hard bristle toothbrushes can help remove stubborn stains to keep teeth white. Although, hard bristles can cause chips and cracks to your teeth when pressure is applied. This can also cause gum irritation. That’s why brushing with the right technique using soft bristles is more beneficial in keeping your teeth and gums strong.
The Design
The design of certain toothbrushes can appeal more than others. Let’s break the design elements down further. First, ensure that you have a smaller head for the toothbrush to ensure the toothbrush can reach certain areas in the back easier, especially the back molars. Ensure the handle of the toothbrush is comfortable to hold in your hand for a strong grip when brushing teeth. The right grip should allow you to manoeuvre your brush around your mouth easily.
Manual or Electric?
There are different benefits to a manual or electric toothbrush. Both are equally as effective when cleaning teeth. Ultimately, you want to ensure the choice of toothbrush allows you to brush thoroughly within all surfaces of your teeth. Some prefer the electric-powered toothbrush to clean. It usually comes down to preference. Although, you can read more here if you’re struggling to make the right choice.
Don’t Forget To Regularly Change It
Have you heard of the 3-month rule? The 3-month rule means you should change your toothbrush every 3 months. Bristles naturally become softer and the bristles also accumulate germs and bacteria every time you brush. When bristles become soft, its more difficult for the toothbrush to clean your teeth, and bacteria can remain around the mouth.
Choosing the right toothbrush with these factors in mind will keep your teeth strong and healthy when brushing with the right technique.
Are you due for a dental check-up? Book yourself in for an appointment at Springvale Dental Clinic today by clicking here.