Dental Crowns and Bridge

If you suffer from complications that you can no longer treat with a tooth filling but do not require extractions yet, you might opt to get a dental crown. At Springvale Dental Smiles, our dental and orthodontic specialists offer high-quality dental crowns and bridges made to last decades. We can help bring back your confidence with complete, healthy pearl-white teeth!

Should I get a dental crown or a dental bridge?

The answer to the question depends upon whether you have a missing tooth or not. Crowns go on top of already existing teeth, while bridges (which include crowns) usually involve creating a false tooth connected to two crowns, one on either side of the missing tooth, explains our dentist Springvale team.

Dental Crowns

Dental crowns are custom-made caps for teeth made of high-quality ceramic or porcelain. You can use these to cover teeth chipped from decay or trauma. Advanced scanning technology creates crowns identical to the patient’s teeth regarding colour, size, and shape, among other factors.

Crown placements generally suit those with:

  • Fractured or chipped teeth
  • Misshapen teeth
  • Tooth decay
  • Severe tooth discolouration

Dental Bridges

Dental bridges are false prosthetic teeth made of porcelain and metal. Unlike crown placements that cover an existing tooth, bridges replace missing teeth. They usually sit fixed between two dental crowns.

Generally, dental bridges suit any patient who has a missing tooth. However, you can also consider using these if you need a more comfortable, discreet alternative to dentures.

When choosing between a dental bridge and a dental crown, Springvale patients do not have to make the decision alone. Our dental and orthodontic professionals will perform a full-scale checkup and provide an accurate, reliable report detailing what dental solutions would suit you best.

How do dentists fit and make dental crowns?

When fitting patients for a dental crown in Springvale, our team goes above and beyond to create quality, reliable dental solutions. We do not want your crown to crack.

First, we will thoroughly clean your mouth and give you a jab of local anaesthesia to prepare for the procedure. Once the anaesthesia has taken effect, we will gently reshape the damaged tooth with a dental drill and remove decayed portions so it can accommodate a crown placement.

Afterwards, our dentist will create a specialised mould formation of your teeth. We will use this as a reference when creating your new dental crown’s shape, size, and colour. You can rest assured that we use advanced scanning technology to create accurate crown placements guaranteed to blend naturally with your teeth.

Once we have the necessary scans and images, we will send the data to a partner dental lab that will begin manufacturing your crown. While the process might take a few weeks, note that our porcelain ceramic crowns offer superior durability than same-day alternatives. Also, we can provide you with a temporary crown as necessary.

After our partner dental lab finishes manufacturing your unique, custom-made dental crown, we will reach out to you for fitting and placement. Our dentist might make some minor, last-minute adjustments to make your crown as comfortable as possible.

How long do dental crowns last?

At Springvale Dental Smiles, we install high-quality dental crowns and bridges that last upward of 10 to 15 years. However, you’ll need to maintain good oral hygiene to maximise our dental solutions. Make sure to floss, brush, and rinse with an antiseptic mouthwash two to three times daily.

Also, be sure not to neglect routine checkups. We usually ask patients to come in every six months so we can check for any cracks or defects. You can schedule a consultation with the team any time you want—especially if you notice that your dental bridge or crown does not fit right.

What are the advantages of dental bridges over implants?

Dental bridges and dental implants both serve as false prosthetic replacements for missing teeth. Patients can rely on these dental solutions if they find dentures a bit unnatural, uncomfortable, or awkward. However, these methods have their differences.

Dental bridges generally suit those who want an inexpensive, easy, and non-invasive solution to their missing tooth. You can get a quality bridge without having to undergo surgery or grafting. Plus, with good oral care, most high-quality bridges should last at minimum of five to seven years.

On the other hand, a dental implant offers significantly more durability than the average dental bridge. In fact, most options could last upward of 15 years. They also have a natural-looking finish that blends with the surrounding teeth.

However, the entire process of fitting, placing, and manufacturing dental implants could take up to six months—including recovery time.

If you suffer from oral complications that require a dental crown, Springvale Dental Smiles can help. Please schedule a consultation with our team today so that we can fit you for a dental crown or bridge in Springvale, VIC. Call us on (03) 9546 1127.