How Do Cavities Form In The Mouth?

A dental cavity isn’t an uncommon dental problem. In fact, most humans are expected to have a cavity or two throughout life and are only considered a major problem if it is left untreated. Below explains why to give you a better understanding of a dental cavity.

What Is A Dental Cavity?

A dental cavity is typically the first stage of tooth decay and is identifiable with a hole that appears in the centre of a tooth. When your hard tissues break down, acid is produced from harmful bacteria that’s built up from something called dental plaque. Eventually, you’re expected to fill the hole in the tooth with dental filling treatment.

To understand how all these interrelate, below breaks it down in simpler terms.


Poor Oral Hygiene

The consequence of a dental cavity is your oral routine. Poor oral hygiene consists of a routine that does not involve looking after your teeth accordingly. The term poor oral hygiene stems from the following factors:

  • Not brushing and flossing your teeth properly or twice a day as recommended
  • A poor diet consisting of a high-sugar and high-acidic diet
  • Not keeping your mouth clean
  • Crooked or misaligned teeth where food debris becomes stuck
  • Not consuming enough fluoride or calcium properties (known as demineralization)

Find out more about what constitutes poor oral hygiene right here.

Dental Plaque

Dental plaque is a consequence of poor oral hygiene. Plaque is a sticky substance that forms in between your teeth. It is formed from the food debris that remains in the mouth for a certain period of time. This is the first stage of tooth decay and can become more dangerous if you do not visit the dentist for a check-up and clean.

Bacteria and Acid Build-Up

If your mouth continues to be filled with food debris and plaque, this is a trigger for harmful bacteria to penetrate inside the mouth. The food debris can contain properties such as sugar that the bacteria feed off to build inside of your mouth. Your enamel also becomes exposed and this causes the underlying dentin to introduce a yellow colour to the shade of your teeth.


The Cavity

Finally, when the enamel becomes exposed and dissolves, the centre of your tooth will form a hole, which is known as the dental cavity. There isn’t a home remedy that can cure the cavity. It will require treatment at the dentist to get it filled.


In order to avoid dental cavities from forming on your teeth, your oral routine needs to be strong and vigilant. This includes brushing and flossing regularly, consuming a balanced diet that involves eating enamel-rich minerals such as calcium and phosphate, regularly rinsing your mouth after a heavy meal, and avoid bad dental habits that can damage the look and feel of your teeth. This is simple enough. You must avoid feeding your mouth dangerous properties such as sugar and acid because these are the triggers of a dental cavity. For professional care, visit our dentist in Springvale.

Do you have a dental cavity? There could be many reasons for it. At Springvale Dental Smiles, we will make sure it’s immediately filled to preserve the health of your tooth. Contact us now for an appointment.

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