What Causes the Root Canal? A Complete Guide to Stay Alert

If you’re like most people, the words “root canal” probably make your skin crawl. But what is a root canal, exactly? And why do you need one? This post will look closely at what causes root canals and how they’re treated. We’ll also dispel some myths about root canals that may keep you from seeking treatment. So if you’re wondering whether or not you need a root canal, keep reading!

What is a root canal, and what are the symptoms that indicate you need one

A root canal is a specialized dental procedure to treat severe tooth decay or infection. During this procedure, a small opening is made in the tooth, and all of the infected tissue is removed along with the nerve. For most people, this means undergoing a mildly uncomfortable procedure that lasts only a few hours, after which the patient can return to normal activities with minimal discomfort. However, for some people, the symptoms of a root canal go beyond typical tooth pain or sensitivity and instead indicate an infection deep in the tissue surrounding the root of the tooth. These symptoms may include swollen gums or tenderness when biting down on the affected area. Suppose you are experiencing these symptoms or have other concerns about oral health. In that case, you must visit your dentist for an evaluation as soon as possible. With early diagnosis and treatment, your dentist can help you restore your oral health and prevent further complications from occurring. 

What causes root canals, and how are they treated

To understand what causes a root canal, it is essential first to understand what the roots of a tooth are. These small tubelike structures branch off from the base of the tooth into the surrounding bone. They contain nerve endings and blood vessels, and they help collect nutrients and enzymes that keep the tooth healthy. When these nerves or blood vessels become infected or inflamed, this can lead to pain, swelling and abscesses in the surrounding soft tissue. Root canals are a solution to this problem. They involve removing dead or diseased tissue from the inside of the teeth. Treatment involves pain management, antiseptic irrigation, endodontic therapy, and restorative filling work. 

How long does a root canal take, and what is the recovery time

It typically takes one to two hours to complete, depending on the extent of the problem and whether other procedures, such as those involving crowns or fillings, need to be performed in conjunction with it. To help ensure a successful outcome, patients are also typically required to take antibiotics before the root canal procedure to reduce the risk of infection. Recovery time after a root canal can vary depending on several factors, including whether any anesthesia was used during surgery and how well the patient follows rest and proper hygiene measures. Generally speaking, though, most people feel much better within 24-48 hours of their procedure. 

What are the risks associated with root canals, and how can you prevent them

While by most accounts, root canals are an effective and safe procedure, there are some risks associated with them, such as bacterial infection, tissue damage, and nerve damage. Ensuring that your dental health is in good condition before undergoing a root canal treatment is essential to minimise these risks. You should also follow your dentist’s instructions carefully after the procedure and visit your dentist regularly for check-ups to ensure that the procedure is successful. While root canals may carry certain risks, this dental procedure is generally relatively safe with proper pre-treatment preparation and care.

How much does a root canal cost, and will my insurance cover it

It is a relatively standard procedure performed at least 20 million times yearly. However, prices can vary depending on location, clinic, and dentist experience. The average cost of a root canal in Australia ranges from $550, depending on the above factors.

Additionally, many private health insurance providers will cover some or all of this cost, depending on your plan type. So if you’re considering undergoing this procedure, research is essential to estimate your total costs accurately. While some upfront costs may be associated with this treatment, it’s generally well worth the investment for anyone who wants to keep their smile healthy and pain-free.

Root Canal Treatment at Springvale Dental Smiles in Springvale, VIC, Australia.

We are committed to providing high-quality root canal treatment to address tooth decay and infection issues at Springvale Dental Smiles. Root canal treatment involves removing the damaged portions of the tooth and surrounding tissues before cleaning and filling the area with a particular material. This allows the root canal to be preserved while reducing pain and discomfort. Our experienced team of dental professionals has helped countless patients achieve their oral health goals through effective root canal treatment at our state-of-the-art facility.

Whether you are experiencing pain or want to maintain your healthy smile, we invite you to contact our dentist in Springvale today for a consultation and learn more about how we can help you achieve your best oral health outcomes!

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