Things To Know Before Getting Wisdom Teeth Out

The prospect of having one or more teeth extracted is one that no one wants to go through. However, if there is a risk of damage to the rest of your mouth, it may be necessary.

We’re talking about wisdom teeth in this scenario. If you’re having your wisdom teeth removed, it’s critical that you understand what’s going to happen. Understanding what happens when wisdom teeth are removed will undoubtedly help you prepare and lessen your dental fear.

So, before wisdom teeth removal treatment, here are things that you need to know first.

What Happens When Getting Wisdom Teeth Out

If you wish to avoid any sensitivity during the procedure, the surgeon will prescribe a local anaesthetic. You might also explore sedative options like nitrous oxide to put you in a consciously relaxed state before being put to sleep for the treatment.

The surgeon will press something sharp on your gum tissue to test if you can feel anything. After that, the socket is widened to allow the surgeon easy access to the molar that needs to be taken.

The damaged area is disinfected before the molar is grabbed from side to side with forceps equipment. The surgeon gently rocks the tooth from side to side until it loosens. The molar will eventually dislodge from its socket, and the procedure will be completed.

What Happens When The Wisdom Tooth Is Taken Out?

Following the extraction, you will experience some bleeding and swelling in and around the socket. The surgeon will give you a soft gauze pad to bite down on to absorb the blood and form the blood clot. In the wounded location, the blood clot acts as an infection barrier.

If a blood clot becomes dislodged because of an oral incident, a dry socket might develop. A dry socket is a painful condition that can make rehabilitation difficult. Therefore, to avoid this from happening, aftercare is vital for a swift and smooth recovery.

After the procedure, it is crucial to choose the right foods to aid in recovery. Opt for soft and cold foods after wisdom teeth removal, such as smoothies, yogurt, soups, broths, scrambled eggs, ice cream, mashed potatoes, and fruit. These options help promote healing, reduce discomfort, and prevent irritation to the surgical site.

What Are The Steps Towards Recovery That I Should Follow?

When you return home, the dentist will recommend a plan to help you heal faster. Typically, it is likely to include the following steps:

  • A day or two after treatment, bite down on a gauze pad to stop the bleeding 
  • Apply a cool compress to the face to reduce swelling 20 minutes at a time on and off
  • Do not exercise or perform any strenuous activity for at least 3 to 4 days 
  • Switch to a soft-food-based diet to promote a quick recovery
  • Avoid eating chewy foods and solids as this requires consistent jaw movement
  • Try to keep your jaw and mouth as still as possible

How Long Does It Take To Remove Wisdom Teeth?

Treatment for wisdom teeth removal does not have a predetermined duration. It depends on the treatment’s intricacy, which the dentist will determine during the wisdom teeth examination. The number of wisdom teeth that need to be extracted is also a factor.

Teeth that are buried or hidden in a corner are more difficult to remove. The extraction of a single molar wisdom tooth might take up to 30 minutes. This may take longer depending on where the molar is positioned and whether it’s easily accessible.

How Long Is The Healing Process?

The aftercare tips you use are critical for a quick and complete recovery. Up to three days after treatment, you should start to exhibit indications of recovery. This is dependent on how well you take care of yourself and follow the necessary aftercare instructions. Up to a week after treatment, some unexpected symptoms like sensitivity and fever may occur, necessitating a trip to the dentist.

If you require wisdom teeth removal and need further information, talk to your dentist in Springvale.

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