Have you ever heard of an acid attack on your teeth? By acid attack, this normally means acid erosion. This occurs when acids wear away your enamel, the hard outer surface of your teeth, but what causes it?
The damage that occurs to our oral health is caused by what we feed our mouths. This means it is determined by the things we eat and drink (extrinsic) and things inside of us (intrinsic). Not only this, but it’s a consequence of not looking after your teeth properly.
Below explains further how intrinsic and extrinsic factors damage our oral health and how an acid attack on your teeth can form. This would typically require dental emergency treatment.
What Is Extrinsic?
Extrinsic factors are basically what you eat and drink, but mainly if you eat or drink anything that includes acidic content. Sugary drinks such as fruit juices, smoothies, soft drinks and citrus fruits are all examples of high-sugar content. The more you consume food and drink comprising high levels of sugar, the worse it is for the enamel. The enamel eventually begins to erode (become soft) overtime. Saliva will likely reduce your acidic levels as much as possible. Although, if you continue to consume acidic content, your saliva won’t bail you out all the time, and your enamel can become destroyed. This can lead to severe sensitivity, tooth decay and worn out teeth.
What Is Intrinsic?
Intrinsic involves acid in the stomach coming back into the mouth. This is formally known as acid reflux, where the sphincter muscle of the oesophagus relaxes, causing stomach acid to come up. Those that suffer from dry mouth, vomiting and heartburn are likely to suffer from intrinsic conditions.
Can Acid Erosion Of Your Teeth Be Stopped?
Yes, you can stop an acid attack on your teeth, but you must take the necessary steps to look after your oral health. This not only includes brushing and flossing your teeth, but it involves looking after your diet. This means reducing your sugar content, from what you eat and drink. Sugar naturally lands inside the mouth everywhere, and if your mouth isn’t kept clean, sugar and bacteria combine together to form an acid attack on your teeth.
Diet is essential for a stronger smile. So, apart from reducing your sugar content, start doing the following:
- Drink plenty of water at regular intervals throughout the day. Swish your mouth with lukewarm water to keep the food debris off teeth after a meal.
- Avoid brushing your teeth straight after eating, including if you have anything acidic. Doing this will mean brushing the acid onto the teeth. It needs to settle first in the mouth before brushing takes effect. If your toothbrush has passed its shelf life, make sure you change it.
- Stimulate the saliva inside the mouth by chewing on sugarless gum and drinking plenty of water.
- Keep your enamel strong by brushing your teeth with fluoride toothpaste.
- Consume foods that contain calcium and phosphorus as these are two key properties that keep your enamel strong.
Are you concerned that your dietary choices may cause an acid attack on your teeth? Are you worried about damaging your oral health? Our dentist in Springvale are more than happy to help you transform your diet for a stronger smile. Click here to check yourself in with us today!